
Elegant Objects by Yegor Bugayenko

How I came to follow Yegor Bugayenko’s blog

I’ve been reading Yegor Bugayenko’s blog ( for a year or so. At the time I was struggling with Core Data, and I could not really explain why until I stumbled upon one of its blog posts entitled along the lines of “Why ORMs are evil”. This post made explicit in my mind what I felt was wrong with ORMs but I could not articulate, and also provided an alternative.

At the time, I was studying a little of Functional Programming and was begining to think that what was wrong might be Object-Oriented Programming in the first place. And then Yegor’s blog opened up my eyes, and I discovered I have been doing it wrong for ages. Not that my code was terrible; it was actually very close to the standards of our industry — which means not so good.

His blog confirmed I was on the right direction on some things: for example, my latest code was written so my objects were immutable, which proved to make them easier to design and test, without any inconvenient in practice. It also made me reconsider my use of abstract classes, by using small protocols (you would say “interfaces” in Java) instead.

A manifesto for Object Thinking

The book is a kind of collection of the most emblematic blog posts he had written. However, it is certainly not copy-and-paste. The book is well organised into four parts — Birth, Education, Employment, Retirement — carefully chosen to emphasize the anthropomorphic nature of Objects. The chapters and paragraphs themselves were rewritten to make the whole book consistent.

Yegor Bugayenko thinks our industry is all wrong with OOP. People on its blog frequently treat him of an «OOP extremist», which he would take as a compliment! As such, the book is very cleaving, with frequent words like “evil”, “all wrong”, “you must”, “I think”. It is very opiniated, which is its greatest quality, a book is meant to present things an other way; otherwise you would not learn anything.

What distingues its discourse from trolling is that each point is argumented. The author tries to convince with examples, how they are wrong and how they could be made better. Most examples are great, a few are awkward, but in all manners, they have the merit to make the reader think.

I would recommend the book to any seasoned OOP programmer, although it is not perfect. In its current state, it looks a lot like a manifesto: it strongly tells what the author is against, but not enough what can be done instead. I wished the author had better explained alternatives that he uses, like the Decorator design pattern, or how he passes dependencies around the application, for example when they are shared resources.

But maybe this first edition had to look like a manifesto, because this thinking is too radical. I wish the second edition will be less defensive and will provide more practical examples.